Nobody want to see us together
Well a lot has changed since the last post. I've gone through a couple different stages of emtions over you. And now, finally, I'm back at the begining. I miss you, quite simply. I want a big hug, a big release, and then I want to know everything about the past 3 months that we've had apart. Partially because I want to know if you have anything significant to tell me about what happened to us, partially because I'm curious to see if you'd addmit to making a few mistakes. But mostly I just desparetly miss you.
I'm back in the scene, and I'm wondering now if I'll meet anyone who'll fulfill so many holes that you filled. This guy is so concerned with how others see him. This guy is so surface and not deep at all. This guy doesn't even seem to know that I exsist sometimes. I was sooooooo spoiled in some circumstances. And not in others. You never told me who you were. I had this image of you, that got completely shattered by our circumstance. You didn't seem to share much of your past, and I can understand why. But it still wasn't fair.
I'm going to quit my job because of you, I'm going to believe that there's something better out there for me, partially because of you.
Thank you