Sunday, April 02, 2006

A Recipe is FOREVER!

I had a wedding this weekend. I really need to quit doing weddings. They make me angry. This girl was about 24 and this was her second marriage! Did she hear the vows the first time? FOREVER! It pissed me off to know that this girl had maybe 4 years earlier said those same words to another man. How….how can you say those words more than once? I realize there are circumstances that might be at work, but that’s why you date. Figure out how this guy is in ALL situations. Figure out what’s in your heart for him. Not what you’re feeling right this moment. I would have a really hard time saying those words to someone. Because how can you know that you’re going to feel that deeply for a person FOREVER? I think it’s very rare that a person could ever be so sure. And we all change, I mean I hope we all change. So how do you know you’re not going to grow out of a person? I’m not saying that no one should get married, but maybe we should change the vows. So unromantic but lets get real. Who really means “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.” You’ve got a fucking pre-nup for Gods sake! Something doesn't add up. But you know what is forever, a good recipe. I made banana bread tonight and I used an ex-boyfriends mother’s recipe and I always will! Thanks Mrs. H!


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